The book introduces key Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts in an easy-to-read format with examples and illustrations. Someone with basic knowledge in Computer Science can have a quick overview of AI heuristic searches, genetic algorithms, expert systems, game trees, fuzzy expert systems, natural language processing, superintelligence, etc. with everyday examples. The second edition includes more in-depth technical content and covers recent topics in AI.
Authors: Binto George and Gail Carmichael
Editor: Susan Mathai
Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): 2020950789
Ebook: ISBN: 1-944708-04-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-944708-04-7
Paperback: ISBN: 1-944708-03-0 ISBN-13: 978-1-944708-03-0
Hardback: ISBN: 1-944708-05-7 ISBN-13: 978-1944708-05-4
Amazon (US) (Paperback/Ebook) (Hardback)
Amazon (UK) (Paperback/Ebook) (Hardback)
Amazon (Canada) (Paperback/Ebook) (Hardback)
Amazon (India) Other International
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Dr. Binto George is a professor in the School of Computer Sciences at Western Illinois University (WIU), Macomb, IL, USA. Before joining WIU, he worked at Rutgers University. Dr. George received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has authored several journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and books. As the principal investigator, Dr. George has led the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research to incorporate usable security into the computer science curriculum. He loves teaching and developing new courses. Dr. George is a partner of the CSTrends LLP, an organization committed to making Computer Science accessible for all. Dr. George is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Science Society, and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Dr. George actively participates in community service and curriculum development activities.
Gail Carmichael is currently a technical educator at Shopify, where she led the design and launch of the work-integrated learning program Dev Degree. She previously worked as a full-time instructor at Carleton University, where she taught both majors and non-majors a variety of computer science courses. She is particularly passionate about teaching beginners and enticing them to fall in love with computer science, whether as a major or as a tool to help them in their own fields. She co-founded Carleton University's Women in Science and Engineering, helped launch the now Ontario wide Go Code Girl high school outreach program, and has developed and taught many computing workshops and courses for folks of all ages.
If you have questions or need more information, please email us at: and we will get back to you.
We felt that most books are unnecessarily complex. This book simplifies AI concepts and present them in an easy to read format. Now that companies spend billions of dollars on AI, we feel that it is time for everyone to have some knowledge of AI.
If you have some computer science background, you should be able to easily understand this book. If you don't know anything about computer science, there are many resources available online. You may also check some of our articles here.
This book is written for someone with some basic background in Computer Science to explore AI on their own. That said, an instructor may choose this book as an introductory textbook. The book doesn't contain any review questions or exercises. So, the instructor may add them on their own.
It helps you understand basic AI concepts. Armed with that foundation, you should be able to better tackle advanced AI books or dive into specific topic areas such as Neural Networks, Expert Systems, NLP, Genetic Algorithms, Heuristic Searches. Understanding broader concepts before dwelling into specifics will be helpful for most people - especially if you are a whole-to-part learner.
If you are a student, you can buy the student edition. At this point, we don't require the proof of your student status. (Your seller may or may not verify student status - it is up to them.) We know that you should rather be spending your time learning things. We don't have a student edition yet for the second edition of the book since many students buy ebooks.
You should contact your retailer from where you bought the book regarding problems with your order. In rare occasions, there can be printing/production issues. So if the printing is bad, etc. contact the seller to obtain a replacement copy. If you have comments about the book or its contents, please contact us so that we can improve our future editions.
If you order directly from us, your books are returnable as per the industry practice in most cases. If you order through a distributor or retail store, it really depends on the distributor or retailer. For questions, please contact us.
Yes, we have discounts for non-profits/libraries for the hardback edition. Please contact us.
You may contact your library to order a copy. Our ebooks are affordably priced than other formats, and we strive to customize prices based on the country you live in for better affordability. If you feel that the price is too high for your market, please contact us. If you cannot afford it, please let us know - we will try our best to help you out.
To bring costs down, we send e-books for evaluation purposes. Please contact us at Thank you for helping us to keep costs down for students. If you have adopted the book for your course, we can send you a courtesy desk copy.
We don't have PowerpointTM slides yet. We know that many good instructors prefer to develop and use their own slides anyway.
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The book introduces key Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts in an easy-to-read format with examples and illustrations. Someone with basic knowledge in Computer Science can have a quick overview of AI: (heuristic searches, genetic algorithms, expert systems, game trees, fuzzy expert systems, natural language processing, super intelligence, etc.) with everyday examples. If you are taking a basic AI course and find the traditional AI textbooks intimidating, you may choose this as a “bridge” book, or as an introductory textbook.
For students, there is a lower priced edition (ISBN 978-1944708016) of the same book. Published by CSTrends LLP.
For someone with basic knowledge in Computer Science to develop an understanding of AI.
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